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Chromatic Dispersion Measurements (172)
Chapter Outline
Chapter 9 - Chromatic Dispersion Measurements (Fiber Optic Systems)
Chromatic Dispersion (CD) in Optical Fiber
Dispersion Measurements
Plot of Speed of Light vs. Signal Speed
Chromatic Dispersion Definitions
Dispersion Compensating Fiber (DCF)
Chirped Fiber Bragg Gratings
Chromatic Measurement System
Relative Group Delay
CD System “Test” and “Preview” Modes
Typical Measurement Results for DS Fiber
Reference Wavelength
Impact of Modulation Frequency
Effect of Modulation Frequency on Wavelength Resolution
Effect of Reducing Modulation Frequency
Wavelength Resolution
Interference Filter – Thin Film Type
Dispersion Compensating Fiber Bragg Grating
Chirped FBG Measured in Step and Preview Modes
Types of Dispersion in Optical Fiber
Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD)
PMD – Birefringence
PMD of Single-Mode Fibers
PMD Effects on Optical Digital Transmissions
PMD Tolerance vs. Bit Rate